Lighthouse Coaching
What is Lighthouse Coaching?
SuZana Mantis, known to many as Z, has been offering life coaching for the last 35 years. She's well known in the private sector and has worked with hundreds of people helping them shift and create the kind of lives they've always wanted. See the testimonial page. She's also worked in the public sector with AT&T, IBM, and many others.
2020 marked a new year of Big challenges.
Her role shifted.
Now she is a "lighthouse" for those in need of more Light and Clarity in their lives. Book a session with her, first half an hour Free. Then chose if she is the right fit for what you need. Offering Zoom sessions as well as in-studio sessions safely sitting at a distance.
Three sessions booked in advance for $333. To be used in a 3 month period of time. Single sessions are $155.
Call her at 360-333-5113 or email her @
"Lighthouses are never built in safe places. They send light to souls who need to see it and help to guide ships into The Harbors of Safety. Creating a Divine and Clear presence that affects the darkness around humanity, giving new choices." Kryon
Rosie shared, "How does one navigate retiring, getting married for the second time, and moving 600 miles away all in one year? I did exactly that almost six years ago.When you enter Z's, you feel welcome, safe and loved immediately. It’s hard to explain but it’s true.Z has wisdom beyond her years. I have seen counselor's in the past, but I must say her intuitiveness and wisdom have been far superior in helping me deal with life’s challenges"