Neurological & Movement Therapy
Corrective Exercise Specialist
Neural Hacking Course Instructor
Contact for info & pricing:
mobile: 564-900-7122
Hailing from London, Rob received his degree in Civil Engineering/Building Studies in 2001. His true passion; healing the body through movement, became his primary focus, and by 2010, he earned his Advanced Personal Training Diploma with Premier Training, UK. Realizing that nearly all his clients had some aches or pains that held them back from progressing with certain exercises, he began delving deeper into physical therapy and corrective exercise. In 2012, he moved to Hong Kong to study martial arts and further explore the areas of how to help people with musculoskeletal issues. He studied AIS (Active Isolated Stretching) and began to work as an AIS therapist at a Martial Arts center. It was then that Rob realized he was heading towards his true path. He was working with a 32 year old client who suffered from debilitating knee pain and was unable to dance or run anymore, relying on pain medication to get through the day. After using AIS therapy combined with corrective strengthening exercises, she improved and resumed her life, dancing and running! Her happiness was also his. By 2013, Rob started his own business as a Corrective Exercise Specialist in Hong Kong, while becoming an advanced NeuroKinetic Therapy (NKT) practitioner, studying under some of the top physical therapists in the US. He also completed his Craniosacral Therapy certificate through the Upledger Institute. With this combined approach, he was seeing excellent results with his clients, supporting them to overcome their long standing physical limitations. In 2020, Rob discovered Neural Hacking (NH) by Igor Marinkovic. After deep diving into NH and using this therapy method exclusively, it took his love for neurological work and his ability to help challenging musculoskeletal conditions to another level. The depth in which Neural Hacking can access and help treat physical pain and injuries still amazes him. Rob is now the Asia Representative and teaches Neural Hacking courses to other physical therapists across Asia. He hopes to share this wonderful system with as many people as possible so they too can heal. Rob has also studied courses in FMS, Immaculate Dissection, and Holistic Lifestyle Coaching - CHEK institute as well as continuing as an Instructor in Practical Wing Chun Hong Kong. He is a keen movement coach and maintains a strength-based agile approach to his training and the training of others. After ten years in Hong Kong, he has recently relocated with his wife and two children to Skagit Valley where he continues to support clients to heal and move toward their optimal selves. His unique approach combines neurological therapy, strength exercise and agile movement to fully optimize the physical health of his clients.